Tuesday, June 21, 2005

'summer holidays'

hi all, well summer is officially here, the 21st is the start of summer over here and the end is the 21st of september, they are a bit stuffed up. anyway, the first day of summer hit the highest temp yet of about 33, felt hotter cause of the humidity though. well tomorrow my parents get here and i am having about 3 weeks off. going with mum and dad for 6 days to toronto and ending up in chigago, then meeting 2 other trainees there and going to a big supercross event, and going to john deere factory and cat factory and watever else there is to see on the way back up here to canada. should be fun.

this weekend just gone, i went to a pro bullriders rodeo at the farm progress show on thursday night then went to the show on friday before heading out to our trainee weekend that was organised by the alumni. the farm progress show was maybe not quite as big as farm fest or ag show but there was more newer machinery and things. our weekend at kenosee lake was fun, had a funny game of golf with a couple of guys on a real nice golf course and visited an old school town where we had a game of cricket, yay, got to roll the arm over!

i will put a few more pics up with this post and will post again from the road somewhere now that i am wired for wireless.

byes daniel


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