Sunday, June 12, 2005

wet wet wet

well at least it is raining in some parts of the world. last tuesday and wednesday it rained steady all day, i dont think i have ever seen slow soaking rain like it. we had nearly three inches for the week, but they do tell me that the rain may stop and that will be it for the year, cause that quite often happens. the crops have liked the warm weather and rain and are starting to really grow. today has been the warmest day since i have been here with the mercury hitting and huge 26 degrees, i even wore shorts for the first time and only one shirt!

the past week in the rain we carted some grain and fixed stuff, mainly repairs to the air seeder so it is ready for next year and one of the 8820 harvesters that he has for sale. this weekend i stayed home for a change and helped to a few things around here but mainly slept in and watched tele. went to the movies in regina last night and saw the longest yard, a funny funny movie, bummer we got there and the place was packed so we had to sit in the front row.

this week is the western canada farm progress show which is like a farmfest ag show sort of thing but bigger, the biggest in western canada. the trainees are meeting there on friday then going to another provincial park only an hour down the road from me so i wont have to drive far!

gtg and eat now, bye daniel


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