as you may have gathered from the title of this post its been real windy the last couple of days with gusts up 90km per hour, apparently! well it would of come close, lucky it hasnt been to cold, only 8 -10 degrees. i have already clocked up a few km's across saskatchewan, went up to saskatoon last weekend for our incoming trainees seminar, got to meet some more aussies, some kiwis, poms, danish and swedish trainees. good times. we stayed a a catholic monestry, that was interesting and weird. we went on a tour of it and the farm that the monks run as well, it was all pretty interesting, typically catholic though! (if you know what i mean). on the work front have still been just cleaning and fixing stuff getting ready for planting. i did my first driving here today allbeit on the wrong side of the road! yay! in my host dads gmc pickup truck, nice nice. it doesnt take that much getting used to, after being a passenger for a couple of weeks helps too i think, you get the feel for where you are meant to go and know i just have to remeber to think RIGHT!
i am doing a few more km's this weekend as myself and another trainee are going to visit some other trainees about 3 hrs away, so soon i will have seen most of the saskatchewan countryside! we are going in my car which has kindly been made available for me too drive, so after i registered it and insured it today i think we are right to go. it is a pontiac sunfire, a small tow door sporty looking coupe. a pretty flash trainee car from what i have seen so i am very lucky!
have fun and God bless daniel in windy saskatchewan