Saturday, April 30, 2005

yay for canadian weather!

lets try again, i had typed a post but it got lost in cyperspace and didnt appear. what it basically said was the weather has been still pretty ordinary, snowing or flurrys as they call them, just light snow. still pretty windy. we had to stopped planting because the ground is frozen again. we got 700 acres of peas in and are starting on durum probably tomorrow as the weather is meant to be bettter.

not much else has happened since the last post just many hours on the tractor rolling and rockpicking. i went to a presbyterian church last sunday and i was the youngest person the by about 25 years! but they were real nice and encouraged i think. i hope to try another church tomorrow if i can

have fun daniel

Saturday, April 23, 2005

the work has began!

well, we started planting, or seeding as they like to call it over here. began yesterday, which would be friday for all of you playing at home. it is not that hectic though with 4 of us around to do stuff. i was using a rock picker upera thingy today, which sure beats walking across a paddock picking up the rocks, only just though. these canadians have an implement for every job!
as mentioned in the last post i was heading to gull lake for the weekend. twas fun to head over to the oilfields, well they arent just oilfields, they are cropping field with oil wells scattered all over them. i also got to drive, yay, i only got honked at once in regina, and that was when i stopped for a big truck when i should of kept going, so it wasnt really my fault! i also bought a guitar in regina so i can keep the fingers moving. on the way home i also had to stop and buy some cds because i just couldnt listen to the country music radio stations anymore, i have learnt to like country music, a bit, but they just play the same songs over and over and over. a bit like cfm really!

i gotta go get some sleep now, these late nights working make me tired. in fact i have been tired ever since i got here!

keep it real, daniel

Friday, April 15, 2005

"strong wind warning current"

as you may have gathered from the title of this post its been real windy the last couple of days with gusts up 90km per hour, apparently! well it would of come close, lucky it hasnt been to cold, only 8 -10 degrees. i have already clocked up a few km's across saskatchewan, went up to saskatoon last weekend for our incoming trainees seminar, got to meet some more aussies, some kiwis, poms, danish and swedish trainees. good times. we stayed a a catholic monestry, that was interesting and weird. we went on a tour of it and the farm that the monks run as well, it was all pretty interesting, typically catholic though! (if you know what i mean). on the work front have still been just cleaning and fixing stuff getting ready for planting. i did my first driving here today allbeit on the wrong side of the road! yay! in my host dads gmc pickup truck, nice nice. it doesnt take that much getting used to, after being a passenger for a couple of weeks helps too i think, you get the feel for where you are meant to go and know i just have to remeber to think RIGHT!

i am doing a few more km's this weekend as myself and another trainee are going to visit some other trainees about 3 hrs away, so soon i will have seen most of the saskatchewan countryside! we are going in my car which has kindly been made available for me too drive, so after i registered it and insured it today i think we are right to go. it is a pontiac sunfire, a small tow door sporty looking coupe. a pretty flash trainee car from what i have seen so i am very lucky!

have fun and God bless daniel in windy saskatchewan

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

bumpy ride but im here

hi all, i got to canada even though the ride was as bumpy as the warrego highway and i didnt sleep much for the 24 hrs it took me to get here but i think i have recovered now. my host family are kool and there is another aussie guy here to who has worked over here for the last couple of years. there is still snow around the place but it is melting quick and after tomorrow it should be gone as they are forcasting 22 degrees yey! i have already watched a hockey game live, it was cold! i going to my introduction seminar tomorrow in saskatoon so that should be sweet to meet all the other trainees and see some country side. i'll try and put pics up if i can but at the moment host family have dial up and the provider is nearly as bad as telstra, ok no quite that bad but connectioin speed is an issue and there computer is a dinosaur.

talk again soon daniel