Tuesday, March 29, 2005

only 3 days till take off....

well the day is nearly here. i will take off from bris to sydney on sat, then bunk down with a good old friend on sat night then i head over the big blue substance on sunday morning to hawaii where it will be dark (bummer) then onto another plane before hitting vancouver. When i get off the plane there it will only be 10 mins after left oz, WEIRD!! then onto another plane to regina where i will be met by the fine folks whom i am staying and working with. should be good times. apart from the bit where i am on planes for 16 or 17 hrs!

have fun cause i will try, pray for me too.

c ya daniel

p.s. i will try and put an update on as soon as i get there, possibl with a photo of me in icy cold snow!!